🕶 Working with Metadata+v0.5
Want to add some metadata to your page? Now you can with the Head API
! All page templates have access to this API
Using the Head API
Using static metadata
You can access the head property in the layout template
module.exports = ({ title, content, head, dev }) => `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="${dev ? 'https://dev.script.js' : 'https://prod.script.js'}"></script>
In your page template you can export the head function
const page = ({ data, dev }) => `
module.exports = {
layout: 'default',
title: 'Hydrogen webpage',
data: () => ({
text: 'Hydrogen metadata',
head: () => [
['meta', { name: 'description', content: 'Hydrogen metadata' }],
Run build command
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="Hydrogen metadata" />
<script src="https://dev.script.js"></script>
<title>Hydrogen webpage</title>
<p>Hydrogen metadata</p>
Using asynchronous data with the Head API
We also have access to the data from the Data API
const axios = require('axios');
const page = ({ data, dev }) => `
<p>This project has ${data.likes} likes</p>
module.exports = {
layout: 'default',
title: 'Hydrogen webpage',
data: async ({ dev }) => ({
likes: await axios.get('https://likes.com').then(res => res.data),
head: ({ likes, dev }) => [
['meta', { name: 'og:likes', content: likes }],
Using the Hydrogen config with the Head API
With the global name
property provided by the Hydrogen Config, we can use it to manage our page title's
const page = () => `
<p>The head will be injected into the layout</p>
module.exports = {
layout: 'default',
head: ({ config }) => [
['title', {}, `Head API | ${config.name}`]
What if you want to update your static assets folder, you can do that to!
const page = () => `
<p>The head will be injected into the layout</p>
module.exports = {
layout: 'default',
head: ({ config }) => [
['script', { src: `/${config.staticFolder}/js/script.js` }, true]